Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to Read the Qur'an & Map the Surah

Tafseer Surat Al Zumar Part 1
MCA Santa Clara, CA
Dr. Haifaa Younus

How to Read the Qur'an

The most important lesson that you should learn from this lecture is how to read the Qur'an. The Qur'an is kalamullah, the word of Allah. The main problem with us is we read the Qur'an and it is not changing us. We don't feel anything when we read it. We read without having a goal or focus. 

A strategy for us to read the Qur'an:

1. Before you start reading the Surah, remind yourself that every word that you are going to read is talking to you. Even if it mentions Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu 3laihi wassalam), it is also applying to you. Allah is talking to you.

2. Think about the name of the Surah. Learn the meaning of the name. The name of the surah holds the main message and the aim. The name was not just randomly chosen by whatever story is in the surah. And it is not based on what the surah is mostly about. In Surat Hud, the longest story is about Sayyidina Nuh not Sayyidina Hud. So ask yourself why is this the name of the surah? 

3. Research where the Surah was revealed. Was it revealed in Makkah or Madinah? Or if it is a combination, then where were the majority of the ayahs revealed? Why do we need to know this? In the Makki surahs Allah talks about 3aqeeda, the basics of faith. In the Madani surahs Allah talks about he shari3ah, laws. For us living in this day and age, and especially those living in non-Muslim countries, when we go out of our homes we need Makki surahs to build and boost our Eman and help us stay strong in that environment. When we are in an Islamic environment like the masjid, then we need the Madani surahs to teach us how we are supposed to interact, dress, lower our gaze, etc. If I need strength to wear the hijab I don't need Surat Al Nur (Madani) I need Surat Al Waaqi3ah - a Makki surah. 

4. The first thing you should do when you open the Qur'an is put your finger on the first word of the first ayah and say 'hatha kalamullah - this is the word of Allah'. When you look at it in this way, you will be sitting differently and acting properly - you won't be sipping tea while reading Qur'an. This will remind you that this is not an ordinary book.

5. As you read the Surah, keep your mind focused on one goal: What is Allah telling me? Every surah has a message, and sometimes it's just one word. Shift your heart. Sometimes you won't find it because your heart is not yet open to it. It is only Allah who can cause our heart to open and see the message, but we have to try first and ask Him to help us.

Next you read the entire Surah, with a good translation if you need it, to get an overall feeling of the surah so that you can make a map of the Surah. After you read the Surah now you need to map it.

Surah Map

1. Are there any parables? 
2. Are there any stories of the Prophets? Take note of how the Prophet was mentioned. 
3. Look at the first ayahs and the last ayahs - they always have a connection.
4. Look at the surah revealed before it and the surah revealed after it - there is a connection. Note the sequence of the surahs in the Qur'an, the order of revelation. There is a message in the sequence of the surahs too.
5. Now put the ayahs into groups of ayahs that serve the same purpose. 
6. Within each group of ayahs, read the tafseer.
7. Now did you find the main message of the surah?

Dr. Haifaa Younus's bio:

Briefly, Dr Haifaa is a Physician, specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is a student of Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui in the various Islamic Sciences. She is also a graduate of The Mecca Institute of Islamic Studies in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and has studied under various Shuyukh in the different fields of Islamic studies.
Her teaching experience includes Seminars, Workshops and Retreats in the United States and in South Africa on essential aspects of the Dīn and on the Thematic commentary of various Chapters of the Holy Qur’ān and their practical relevance in our day to day living.
She is the founder of Jannah Institute - Islamic studies for women that aims to bring the light of Islam to the hearts and lives of women.

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