Thursday Halaqa Notes
MCA Santa Clara, CA
Sr. Dana Jarrar
Las Vegas: The Wonders of the Creator versus the Sins of the Creations
The Sins of the Creations
- In a trip to the Grand Canyon, we passed by Las Vegas.
- Las Vegas is known as ‘Sin City’.
- As you look at the people, the lost people, and all the sins happening in the streets, you realize that the animalistic side of the people is taking over them too much.
- You see the haram in the streets. The casinos and bars. There are people giving out flyers of haram things.
- It reminds me of the hadith: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alaihi wassalam) said, “Miserable are those who worship money and fine clothes. They are happy when they are provided with things and upset when they are denied.” (Bukhari)
- تعس عبد الدينار وعبد الدرهم وعبد الخميصة ، إن أعطي رضي ، وإن لم يعط سخط
- Then I remembered that Makkah used to be like that. So I started making du’a that Allah will send them someone to guide them.
- We shouldn’t be looking at them with arrogance, takabbur, that we are better than them. But we should think about how blessed we are.
- We were walking in the streets and the whole time we were saying Alhamdulillah ‘ala ni’mit al Islam, Praise be to Allah for the blessing of Islam.
The Reality of Las Vegas
- At the same time, we also noticed that there were lots of families there- including grandparents and children, because it was vacation time. They are going for the fancy hotels, restaurants, and Grand Canyon, etc.
- The buildings there are so artistic. They have areas that are like New York, Paris, Italy - you feel like you are really there. You think wow how did they think of this?
- Many people go there for work too - meetings, conferences, exhibitions, etc.
- So the people you see are not all going for gambling and parties.
- Vegas actually has a big masjid and a big Muslim community.
- There is just one street, the strip, that has the gambling. So not all the hotels have gambling.
- So if you have to go there, you could choose a hotel far from that street. And you can choose a hotel that doesn’t have a casino.
Check your Heart, wherever you are
- If you go to Las Vegas, you should not tell people you went there, since it is known for gambling and they might get a wrong idea about you.
- But if you go there, check: Where is your heart? What is in your heart?
- A person could go to Makkah and be on their phone during tawaf and sinning by their tongue - they might die there and everyone would say Ma sha' Allah. While another person might be in Las Vegas doing good deeds and die there and everyone will talk bad about them.
- You could stay home and still do bad deeds.
- So the issue is not where you go, it's why you are there and what you are going to do there.
- Wherever you go, check what is in your heart.
- When Allah gives us a trial, we have to try to overcome it. We have to overcome the shaytan. You find the result in your heart. In that time, Allah will be in your heart and light up your way.
- And don't judge others, because only Allah knows what is in a person's heart. Don’t talk about others, but rather say ‘May Allah open doors for her and open her heart.’
- San Francisco also has bad things going on, so why have we made Las Vegas haram and San Francisco halal?
- The sins in Las Vegas are not as bad as the sins of the tongue. It all goes back to intention, Niyyeh.
The Wonders of the Creator
- In the Grand Canyon, the lowest point in the world, there are many wonders of Allah to reflect on.
- There is a river that goes through several states. In the past, a person looked at the map and looking at this river, thought of a way to generate electricity for all these states - by building a dam. We know it as the Hoover Dam. When you look at it, you wonder - how did a person think of this? To use a creation of Allah to help people? To create electricity and conserve water? In the tour they show you the huge generators. You think, Glory be to the One who created this brain to invent this.
- Then you see all the huge mountains there. If you look at them, you just say subhanAllah. It reminded me of the story of Prophet Musa alahissalam, when he went up the mountain to meet Allah. Musa wanted to see Allah, so Allah told him to look at a mountain. And if the mountain is still there he would see Allah. But when Allah looked at the mountain, the mountain became flattened, from the Power of Allah. Then Musa said “Subhanaka! (Glory be to You!) I have repented to You, and I am the first of the believers.” (7:143)
- { وَلَمَّا جَآءَ مُوسَىٰ لِمِيقَاتِنَا وَكَلَّمَهُ رَبُّهُ قَالَ رَبِّ أَرِنِيۤ أَنظُرْ إِلَيْكَ قَالَ لَن تَرَانِي وَلَـٰكِنِ انْظُرْ إِلَى الْجَبَلِ فَإِنِ اسْتَقَرَّ مَكَانَهُ فَسَوْفَ تَرَانِي فَلَمَّا تَجَلَّىٰ رَبُّهُ لِلْجَبَلِ جَعَلَهُ دَكّاً وَخَرَّ موسَىٰ صَعِقاً فَلَمَّآ أَفَاقَ قَالَ سُبْحَانَكَ تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَأَنَاْ أَوَّلُ ٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ }
- Then there is a glass bridge down in the valley of the mountains. It is deep under the ground - 4,000 feet under. You need a helicopter to go down to see the river. That’s how low the river is now. You go down there, and you imagine this big mountain going down suddenly and becoming sand.
- I saw a lady that couldn’t stop crying. She was amazed by the grandness of the Creator. And some were scared, because it was a glass bridge, putting one foot forward to take a picture.
The issue is you could go to Las vegas and come back with a higher Eman (faith). Or we could go there and forget about Allah and say ‘1 hour for Allah, 1 hour for myself, let me have some fun.’ No matter where you are- Las Vegas, San Francisco, or your house in Santa Clara - Allah is giving you signs. When are we going to open our eyes and answer him?
If a person wants to choose a vacation place in the future he shouldn't choose to be in this atmosphere as it aches the heart to see all these sins in the streets. Again - if it was a "choice" as we know so many businesses hold their meetings there. But once you are there make sure for your heart to stay connected to the Creator and fill it with Thikr… worship Allah with this kind of a worship "remembering Allah amongst who forgot."
And do the same in San Francisco and where ever you are..
Love you all and may we all be gathered under His thrown in the Day of Judgment :)
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