Thursday Halaqa Notes
Ustatha Dana Jarrar
MCA, Santa Clara
Reviving the Muslim Ummah
Ustatha Dana Jarrar
MCA, Santa Clara
Reviving the Muslim Ummah
- In the past the Muslim ummah was able to make an advanced Islamic Civilization. But now it is not where it used to be or how we want it to be. How can it be revived?
- Imagine the Muslim Ummah is a bird. When can it fly higher? It depends on the strength of its wings. If it can fly high, it can make a modern Civilization that could impact the whole world. But if one wing has a weakness, the bird will fall.
- We are the best ummah because:
- character: Our religion stresses character.
- knowledge : iqraa read are the first words came down. Wal qalami- pen was first creation. We are ummah of knowledge , reading and writing.
- wahy revelation , we are the ummah of revelation. The Quran is word of Allah as it came down from , the way it was recorded and memorized is unique .
If you bring these together it will make a civilization.
- So the wings of the Muslim ummah are the Quran, character, education and innovation. This is why I was telling you we need to increase the creativity in our kids! So we need to know how to raise a creative person, in order to make an advanced civilization.
The 7 traits of the creative person.
1. مثابر doesn't give up, patient, keeps trying and learns from mistakes,
2. مفكر thinks, asks questions (let your kids ask a lot don't get annoyed),
Our country schools killed creativity. If the child can memorize what teacher says then does good on tests, that is the smart child. Parent says do what I say, no discussion.
3. مكتشف researches, takes apart things (let them, don't say oh my money, toys with screws that kids could unscrew and put back, kids like to do that,
4. متئمل reflects, notices everything around him . If you support it it will make creativity. Think about the things that happen to you in your life. Thinks deeper about things.
5. مطلّع lifelong learner. Always reading and learning. When you are waiting make sure you have a book with you. Instead of Facebook, whatsapp. If our kids in swimming or soccer, don't waste that time. You have to keep learning.
6. واثق confidence , he needs the people around him to give him confidence. see how important role of parents and teachers are. You need to give support. If the voices around you tell you you can't , then you will believe it and it becomes your voice. Don't listen to those who say you can't.
7. مجرّب experiments . Willing to fail.
My questions to you.
1. Which trait did you feel is the most important?
2. Which one do you have the most?
3. Which one do you feel you need the most? Need to work on.
We need these traits in order to serve Allah. If you don't have any of these, then this is something you need to work on, this is your goal.
Wa amma bini3mati rabbika fa haddith.
Allah blessed you with a trait , tell the community that you have this and can help! You have to know your strengths. Take some time this week to think about this.
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