Notes from:
A Reflection on Life and Death...
Some Questions to Ask Yourself...
Ustadha Dana Jarrar
MCA Santa Clara, CA
Ustadha Dana Jarrar 10/28/16 MCA Santa Clara, CA
💠Some people are sick for a long time in their journey to Allah, some for a few days, and some suddenly. Our brother left us in just 1 week. Imagine, just ask yourself, am I ready to leave this world in 1 week? Do we have enough good deeds to meet our Lord? Subhan Allah.
💠The ones that are alive can make relationships with other people, and a relationship with Allah. But the ones who have passed away can no longer benefit from these relationships or any possessions. When you die your relationships with people are broken, but the one with Allah is what remains!
💠We say we don't have time to build our relationship with Allah. Do we understand what it actually means when we say we don't have time? We need to put our goal that our relationships help us reach Allah. Allah has sworn by time in the Qur'an that all humanity are losers; except those who have faith in their hearts. This faith pushes them to do good deeds and fix their mistakes. Then to be part of a bigger circle which is the involvement in the community by giving advice with their tongues and actions, which requires patience!
💠Are we learning? Don't think Facebook and whatsapp is learning, that is not real learning. Open the Qur'an. It has the words of Allah. It has the knowledge.
💠How is my relationship with Salat? If you feel it is a burden, then our meeting with Allah will be a burden. But if you feel happy when you pray then you will be happy to meet Allah. Salat is the first thing you will be asked for when you enter the akhirah. If it was accepted then all your other deeds should be accepted. It is a two way street; work on your Salah and it will help you become a better person with others. When the Shaykh was mentioning the characteristics of our brother, he talked about how he was always praying in the masjid everyday with a smile that doesn't leave his face. This is what he was known for.
💠I advise myself first and you all my dear sisters about raising our children. First teach them about Allah, through the Asmaa Allah, the attributes of Allah. Teach them who Allah is. If they love Him they will love themselves, love others, and be happy. Don't teach them to be scared to ruin your reputation. Tie their success to Allah only. That pleasing Allah is the greatest success. That, when I am tied to Allah, no matter what happens to me, I stay strong. They need to know this. Teach them how to react during tough times. That, we don't choose our trials, but we have a choice in how we respond to them.
💠For this heart to connect to Allah, put your alarm a little bit before Fajr. So that when you talk to your children you have a light. Your time spent in the night gives you light in your day.
💠Always ask Allah for husnal khatima, a good end. I noticed over the years the people that have a good end, they are always smiling, they never backbite, they are always helping and kind to others. If you fix your relationships with people it will help you in your relationship with Allah. And if you fix your relationship with Allah it will help fix your relationships with people. It can work both ways. Prophet Mohammad (S) said: "The closest to me in the day of judgement are the people with the best manners."
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