Thursday Halaqa Notes
MCA Santa Clara, CA
Ustadha Dana Jarrar
If we want to raise a new generation, there are some very important questions we all need to ask ourselves. On a sheet of paper, write your answers for these questions.
1. Complete this sentence: "I dream to achieve..... "
2. When Allah blessed you with pregnancy, and you started making du'a for this child, what did you ask Allah for? What did you want this child to become?
a) Write a list of the characteristics you wanted for that child, in a column. Then next to that at the top, write the ages of your children, each child in a column. Then put a percentage next to each characteristic, for each child, how much that child has achieved that characteristic. 80%, etc.
b) What is your plan to achieve these characteristics in your children?
3. What are you doing that is right, successful?
4. What are the obstacles and challenges you are facing in achieving these goals?
5. What are the things that helped you face these challenges?
Now, after you have answered these, you need to take the following actions:
1. Discuss these with your husband so that you can be on the same page and decide the goals. Make high goals - these goals are your intentions and you get more reward for higher intentions. Then write a plan - what are the steps needed to achieve these goals.
2. Print these goals and hang them up.
3. Make du'a for your children in these goals
4. Make du'a for Allah to strengthen you to achieve your goals.
Some advice for barakah in your time so that you would have more strength and time to sit with your children.
1. Reciting Morning Athkaar, after Fajr, - to push the shaytan out of the house and out of your mind from the first thing in the morning. The shaytan always tricks us saying we can do it later, then years could go by while you are saying tomorrow! If du'a is the weapon of the believer, and we are not making du'a, then no wonder we feel our time is running out all day.
2. Reciting Afternoon Athkaar, after Asr - the afternoon is the time we start to feel tired again, so recite the athkar after Asr to give you strength. Let the kids do a little with you.
3. Recite Evening Athkar, before sleep - This is like a net to protect you. The Prophet (S), when Fatima (RA) asked for a maid to help her, he told her to say Subhan Allah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, and Allahu Akbar 34 times every night.
The easiest way to start something is to do it together in a group, so let us work on doing this daily for one week until the next halaqa.
1) آية الكرسي Ayat al Kursi
2) المعوذات Mu3awithat (Surat Al Ikhlas 3 times, Surat al Falaq 3 times, Surat al Naas 3 times
3) Athkar Subhan Allah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, Allahu Akbar 34 times
4) 100 times
2) المعوذات Mu3awithat (Surat Al Ikhlas 3 times, Surat al Falaq 3 times, Surat al Naas 3 times
3) Athkar Subhan Allah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, Allahu Akbar 34 times
4) 100 times
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد، وهو على كل شيء قدير
Try to feel it while you are saying it, that Allah can change everything, that Allah will protect you, that Allah can help you do everything.
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